What is Flow Yoga?

What’s with all the names?!

When you decide to start yoga and start researching into where to go, you will discover that there are so many different styles of yoga. You’ll find names like Vinyasa, Hatha, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Yin, Iyengar - and most likely feel confused as you’ve got no idea what any of them mean!

This can feel so overwhelming and like starting yoga is just too hard, and I feel like many people are put off forever and never actually make it into a yoga studio. Which is sad, because you’re missing out! If you can get over this initial hurdle, you’ll get to experience all the amazing benefits of yoga.

In order to reap the benefits and ultimately feel better in your body and mind, you have to do the yoga; and in order to do the yoga you have to find a class; and to find a class you need to know what you’re looking for…So let’s explore one of the most popular styles of yoga, Vinyasa Flow, so you can get started on your yoga journey!

Vinyasa; Vinyasa Flow or Flow?

One of the most popular styles of yoga in our modern day, western society is Vinyasa. Just to confuse you, this is also sometimes called Vinyasa Flow, or Flow🤯 We teach this style of yoga here at the Surfside Yoga Studio, both in person and online and choose to simply use the term “Flow Yoga”.

So what is Flow Yoga?

Flow is a dynamic style of yoga where students connect one pose to another using the breath. The inhale and exhale goes in time with moving in or out of postures. Sequences incorporate breathe, movement and meditation, and it tends to be an invigorating, energising practice - which is why our Flow classes take place in the morning.


There is no set sequence in a Flow class, which gifts teachers the opportunity to be creative and for students to stretch not just their bodies but also their minds. Myself and all the teachers at our studio love to teach intentionally and incorporate a theme into every class we teach. So you may come to a class that focuses on a physical body part eg shoulders; an emotion eg Courage; or an element of yoga philosophy such as Chakras. Whatever the theme of the class, I can almost guarantee you’ll learn something new - either about the practice or yourself.

Feel fluid and free

Students who attend flow will work on their strength, balance, stamina and flexibility. Plus when you move continuously with the breath, you’ll experience your energy shifting. Combine this with being guided to turn your attention inwards, let go of your thoughts and to bring your mind into the present moment; you will often feel a sense of freedom and fluidity. - and the name “Flow” starts to make sense.

Is Slow Flow different?

You may have seen that we have recently added a new “Slow Flow” class to the timetable.

After receiving requests from some of our more senior members, we realised we needed a class that was in-between Flow and Restore. Something active and flowing, but at a slower pace to make it accessible for all ages, and abilities.

So Slow Flow was born: a gentle flow class, where you move your whole body to create more strength, flexibility and balance. Offering less intensity than it’s sister Flow, it’s a great fit for those looking for a more mellow practice, as well as beginners, those working with injuries, over 60s and pregnancy. Options to modify are always included.

You’re Invited…

If you’d like to start Flow Yoga, purchase our intro pass and join us on Tuesday 6am, Thursday 6am, Thursday 7.30am or Saturday 8am. Or come along to Slow Flow on Sundays at 4pm.

Questions? Contact us here 


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