Top 5 Tips For Starting Yoga

Ready to start yoga? Here are our top 5 tips to help beginners feel more confident when they embark on their yoga journey.

 1. Set an goal or intention

In yoga we often start the class with an intention to give us clarity and direction. So, it makes sense to also get clear on the intention behind us starting yoga. What brought you to the decision to start yoga? Has a practitioner suggested you start yoga? Do you have any physical or emotional challenges that you would like to address through yoga? Is there anything about your health that you would like to change? What would you like to change? How would you like to feel? It can be helpful to share this information with your teacher, so they can support you to turn this intention into reality.


2. Ask questions

If you’re not sure what style of yoga you’re looking for, google a couple of local studios and ask them about what styles of yoga they offer. Does their offering match your goals and intentions?

Do they have an intro pass? This is often the most cost effective way to start yoga and it gives you a chance to get to know the class offerings, teachers and community. As an example we offer 2 weeks of unlimited yoga for $49, you can view this here

Are mats and props provided? Normally you need to pay to hire a mat ($1 is the usual rate), but other props like blocks and bolsters are provided free of charge. If you’re doing yoga in a community hall, you might need to take your own props. I always recommend investing in your own mat for hygiene reasons and so you can choose a mat that suits your preferences and the style of yoga you’re doing. Check out our yoga mats here

 3. Location, location, location

Find a studio that is in a convenient location for you and your schedule. This might mean finding a studio that you can go to on your way to or way home from work; or that’s around the corner from where you live. When I did my teacher training I chose a yoga studio that was 2 mins walk from my marketing agency office – I worked long hours, commuted and needed to maximise my time!


4. Start at the beginning

Find out if they have a class that is specifically catered to beginners. At our studio we offer a 6 week Beginners Course that provides a great foundation for new yogis. If not, they may suggest specific classes on the timetable that will be the most suitable.


 5. What to wear

Wear comfortable clothing and bring layers. Your body temperature can vary a lot during the course of a class, and there’s nothing worse than either overheating, or feeling cold while you’re lying in relaxation trying to rest.

Temperature will also depend on the style of yoga some studios offer heated yoga classes, but even in unheated classes the temperature will depend on the style of yoga. If you’re practicing a dynamic style like Flow, Hatha or Iyengar your body will quickly generate heat, whereas in restorative styles of yoga you can be holding poses for 3-5 mins and so the practice is much cooler. Depending on the season and climate, for slower styles of yoga, you might even like to wear socks or have a blanket.

I hope these tips are helpful and inspire you to find a Beginners Yoga class near you!

If you have other tips to add, or have questions about starting yoga with us (in person or online), please contact me

Or if you’re now ready to start your yoga journey, sign up to our Beginners Course here or purchase our Intro Pass here

Lou x


What is Flow Yoga?


Yoga & Mindfulness practices to help you let go