Yoga, Essential Oils + Affirmations to support your kids with back to school
Whether your child is heading to school for the very first time, or returning; going to a new school or moving to a homeschool environment, it’s a big deal!
If your kids are feeling wobbly about back to school, read on for tools to make the whole experience smoother.
My daughter Skye always shares with us when she’s feeling a bit afraid and nervous.
Here’s what we do to help her feel strong, confident and calm:
Acknowledge her emotions and reassure her that it’s ok to feel that way
Talk about how fun it will be to see her friends and teacher
Remind her that moving her body makes her feel more strong and confident
Roll out her yoga mat and get her doing a few poses or mindfulness exercises. (We also offer kids yoga classes, more info here)
Use her affirmation cards - we use these
Roll her Brave oil onto forearms and collarbones
Choose an oil (usually Brave or Steady) to roll onto the palms, then make a scent tent + inhale deeply
The Kids Collection
The essential oils that we find most useful for all elements of back to school is the doTERRA Kids Collection.
Seven roller blends designed to support & empower the bodies and minds of the next generation.⠀The pre-diluted 10ml rollerbottles make them easy and convenient to use, and kids love the bright colours!
Here’s what the Kids Collection includes: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💚Steady - for perspective, calming and confidence⠀⠀
🧡Brave - to support in times of change for extra courage! Skye & I love this before kindy dropoff - especially on Mondays.
💛 Thinker - for focus & concentration. Amazing for Homeschooling or homework; swimming/ballet/dance, soccer etc. It won't be long now until activities restart!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💜Calmer - roll on to support deep, restful sleep. Give their soft toy a swipe too.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
❤️Stronger - stay well & protected, this goes on every morning, especially before kindy⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💙Rescuer - use on growing legs that have been running, jumping & hopping! Also great to support confident speech on news day.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Don’t be afraid to use more than one of the kids collection. We mix and match!
For example, we use Stronger every morning, followed by Brave & / or Steady. Plus Thinker on back of neck and temples, especially before swimming lessons, gymnastics or learning a new skill. In the afternoons Steady often gets mixed with Calmer.
Kids are so intuitive. Let them choose!
Other Back to School Tips
Before school oils...we like to keep things simple around here and I'm guessing you do too! So here are 4 ways we use the oils before school:
1) If you forget to roll the spine/soles of feet with Stronger and they already have clothes on, just pull up the shirt/dress, roll and rub in.
2) Keep your oils where you'll use them. Skye keeps the kids collection in her bedside drawer so she can reach for them anytime.
3) Let them choose the oils they need, depending on how they feel and what they need on the day
4) Is it a nightmare getting out the door? Distracted kids who want to play instead of doing their teeth, brushing their hair, putting their shoes on etc?! Roll their head and back of their neck with Thinker.
5) Nit Spray. Last year it only took a week for a letter to come home about headlice! I am no DIY queen, but this spray literally takes 30 seconds to make.
3 drops Lavender, 3 Tea Tree, 3 Geranium, 3 Clove
Top with distilled water (boil kettle and allow to cool)
Lightly spray hair and hat.
We upcycle an old doTERRA Verage toner bottle (50ml) as it gives a really light mist.
Other oils to help
Black Spruce is incredibly supportive for confidence and courage.
Peace - oil of reassurance
Wild Orange - happy sunshine vibes
Elevation - joyful blend
Cheer - cheerful blend
Caring for others
Our kids are sponges and they absorb everything around them. So when we teach them to look after and nurture themselves, they often start to care for others.
We saw this with Skye when she was 3 years old and said “Mumma, baby needs oils. She bumped her head and it REALLY hurts!”
My heart exploded! So nurturing. She used the Rescuer blend and despite me explaining we just pretend as baby’s skin is different, of course she took no notice and rolled away!
More recently, Skye told me her friend at school had a sore tummy, so she offered her the Tamer roller and showed her how to use it. Later, her friend said “Skye, your oil worked! My tummy isn’t sore anymore!”
Skye felt to proud and happy to help her friend. How wonderful that she learn the joy of helping others, and that her classmate got to discover the power of essential oils.
Affirmations & Yoga
Affirmations and yoga are beautiful, confidence building tools to use alongside essential oils.
Here are some simple affirmations that children (or adults!) can use in conjunction with the Kids Collection.
I am brave and courageous (Brave)
I respect others (Brave)
I am strong and healthy (Stronger)
I am protected (Stronger)
I am at ease (Steady)
I am steady (Steady)
My body is healing (Rescuer)
I speak up (Rescuer)
I am safe (Calmer)
I am calm (Calmer)
Looking for kids yoga mats, yoga or affirmations cards? We have those too!
If you’re ready to empower your children with essential oils, please contact me or head on over to my essential oils page for instructions on how to get started.
The Kids Collection is available in Australia, New Zealand, UK & Europe, US & Canada and may more places around the world. We’re global! Wherever you are, I’d love to guide you and your family on your essential oil journey!
Wishing you a smooth transition back to school.
Lou x