Restore Yoga

Using movement and breath, Restore Yoga will release stress and tension from your body and mind.

Restore Yoga will suit you if you:

  • Are tired from a busy, modern day life 

  • Find relaxing and slowing down challenging 

  • Train hard at the gym, running, surfing, dynamic yoga (or parenting!) 

  • Feel anxious or overwhelmed

  • Spend a lot of your week sitting at a computer, or driving

  • Tell yourself you’re too tight, or not flexible enough for yoga 

  • You prefer a smaller, more intimate class and learning environment 

  • You seek a restful practice (suitable for injuries, pre & post natal)

Yoga class sizes are small so you receive more individual attention and teachers will help you adjust the practice around any injuries or ailments.

This is a chance to create space in your schedule to relax, unwind and soothe your nervous system - so you feel grounded, balanced and restored - every week!

We have evolved and adapted the studio so that any of our group classes can be attended in person OR online - choose what works for you.

Mid-Week Restore Classes

  • Tuesdays, 7.30pm - 8.30pm with Louise Kelly

  • Thursdays, 7.30pm - 8.30pm with Louise Kelly

To help you stay accountable, see progression and feel the difference, we suggest that you either purchase a membership or a 10 class pass. See our full pricing options here and book here

Weekend Restore Class

Escape to yoga after a busy weekend and set yourself up for the week ahead. Please note that this class tends to be fully booked and priority is given to those on a membership.

  • Sundays 4.30pm - 5.30pm with Kristy Hosking (until 30 April)

  • Please note: From Sunday 7 May, this class will move to the later time of 5.15pm. This is to create space in the timetable for our new Slow Flow class

Ready to restore your body and mind?

“Before I started Restore Yoga I would constantly have a sore lower back and hips, even in the morning before a day on the tools. Attending yoga consistently has reduced the pain and improved my mobility and flexibility. If you can't touch your toes, feel tight or tense, or have a few niggles - this is the place for you!

— Brent Lawrence

“The Surfside Yoga Studio is a beautiful and welcoming environment. Weekly restore classes help me release tension and stress, while creating peace and relaxation.”

— Jessica S

“Discovering online restorative yoga classes with Lou has been such a gift. Due to a previous chronic illness I've not been able to do any form of yoga for 8 years. Being able to attend a gentle class from the comfort of home, under Lou's expert care, is the best thing that has come out of isolation. Thank you so much Lou for restoring my confidence in my body.”

— Amy C