Yoga to support your Digestion

Read on to explore how you can use your yoga practice and essential oils to support your digestive system, physically and emotionally.


Box Breathe

Inahle for 4, pause for 4, exhale for 4, pause for 4

Visual? Trace the shape of a box in your mind.


  • I trust my gut

  • My body knows what it needs

  • I can give myself grace in this moment

  • I deserve to feed myself love

  • I am able to receive and digest new information and experiences

  • I am open to new relationships

  • I am open to new possibilities

Reflections or Journaling Prompts:

  • What am I feeing myself? Literally of course, but also on an emotional level.

  • What foods and thoughts are not nurturing me?

  • Am I denying myself love?

  • What can I flush out?

“Can you shift from rushing, to finding liberation in the pause. Giving yourself time and space to digest not just your food, but also your thoughts, feelings and experiences?”

Yin/Restore Sequence:

  • Legs up wall. Place hands on stomach.

  • Box Breathe - find the pauses at the top and bottom of the inhale/exhale

  • Wind relieving pose

  • Child’s Pose - narrow legs

  • Sphinx - place rolled blanket under abdomen

  • Half frog with arm thread

  • Reclining Half Pigeon > Twisted Roots

  • Windscreen wiper. Repeat L.

  • Seated twist with bind option

  • Happy Baby

  • Savasana - relax the belly

Flow Sequence:

  • Supported bridge, leg raises

  • Wind relieving pose > twist

  • Core

  • Sun A

  • Ukt Twist > CL twist > Skang > Lunge twist > SIde plank + knee to elbow taps

  • Stork > Stork Twist > Uttihasta > 1/2 moon > Rev 1/2 moon > vinyasa

  • Squat with twist

  • Reclining Half Pigeon > Twisted Roots

  • Seated twist with bind option

  • Happy Baby

  • Savasana - relax the belly

The Essential Oils

  1. Digest Zen:

    • Place drop in hands, rub and inhale

    • Dilute 1-3 drops and apply over stomach

    • Add 1 drop to hot water to make a tea

  2. Fennel: If I’m feeling bloated, I find using this really effective.

    • 1 drop of Fennel oil into hot water to make a tea

    • Add 1 - 2 drops to a veggie capsule

  3. Other oils for digestion and nausea include Spearmint, Ginger and Cardamom

Looking for support with digesting both food and life? Get some Digest Zen in your life! Either contact me or head on over to my essential oils page for instructions on how to get started.


Lou x


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