The best decision I made in 2017

This time last year, in that limbo land between Christmas and New Year when you're not sure what day it is or what you're meant to be doing, and you're torn between eating all the ham, carbs and chocolate; or starting your green juice detox and new exercise regime, I set my goals and intentions for 2017.

I love reflecting and dreaming big, so I wrote two sets - Personal & Business. At the top of the personal list was "Switch to natural health solutions' (I wrote more about this  here)

This started off with natural toothpaste and deodorant, but by May I'd decided to get my own doTERRA wholesale account and access to 25% off all their essential oil and natural healthcare products. I had no idea that within 12 months our home would be so LOW tox and I would be educating others about these little bottles of pure plant medicine. 


Getting a doTERRA wholesale account was the best decision I made this year for myself and my family. These certified and pure essential oils have changed our lives in more ways that I ever imagined.

We have gradually replaced the contents of our medicine, personal care and cleaning cabinets.  We now have more energy, better sleep, stronger immune systems, clearer (and younger looking!) skin and mood management tools.

Plus we have natural solutions for cleaning which is so exciting as chemicals disrupt all the systems in our body: respiratory, nervous,  cardiovascular, endocrine, reproductive, organ body, and the largest organ of all - our skin. Not only do I not want toxic ingredients on our skin or in our bodies, I also don't want them infiltrating our water ways and poisoning our oceans.


3 words that often pop up in my head are Simon Sinek's "Start with why'. My why for starting off with doTERRA was to bring more natural health solutions into our home, but along the way my why has grown and evolved into so much more.

Last year I realised that I can teach a max of 15 yoga classes per week, and if I go beyond that limit I start to drain my energy reserves, which does a disservice to myself, my students and my family.

The solution I came up with was to create Surfside Shop - a secondary income stream which did not rely on me being physically present, or exchanging time for money. But the universe had much bigger plans and the doTERRA opportunity came knocking, bringing with it a generous, liberating and empowering business model. I can work when and  where I want. It allows Mums to step up into into a life of abundance, freedom and fulfilment as they help others find natural health solutions. And then there are the little things, like the fact I can now buy coconut yoghurt every week, and the big things like the numbers in our savings account going up again each month - for the first time since my daughter was born and I swapped my corporate career for yoga. 


doTERRA has not just provided more financial and time freedom, it has also given me wings. I am a gypsy at heart. Travel lights up my heart and my soul and the lack of it in my life is something I have personally struggled with over the past two years.

Thanks to doTERRA's incentive trip program, next month I'm travelling to Uluru on an expenses paid trip...and teaching the yoga session. To 150 of my doTERRA business partners and soul sisters. In a sacred place which carries so much spiritual and cultural significance. This company doesn't just open doors, it flings them wide open! 


I am so excited to meet more of the doTERRA community in person. The culture in doTERRA blows my mind - I feel like I have found my tribe. Likeminded, inspiring, creative, driven, talented women who are passionate about health, wellbeing, serving others and lifting each other up. 

Leading a team and learning from inspiring mentors is something I've really missed and it feels so great to have that in my life again.


Stories I hear first-hand of how these oils are changing people's lives on a daily basis make my heart so happy. I love that drop by drop we are not just helping to get these life-changing tools into people's homes, but also making a positive difference to lives of farmers and harvesters in disadvantaged areas. 

This is thanks to  Co-Impact Sourcing  which creates long-term partnerships, sustainable jobs and reliable income; meanwhile  Healing Hands Foundation, doTERRA's charitable organisation which provides funding and resources to create community based projects, such as building schools, medical clinics and installing drinking water. 


If you feel inspired to get started on your essential oils journey, I'd be so happy to help and guide you along the way. 

There are no contracts, minimum spends or lock in purchases. There is amazing products and community! Plus an incredible Loyalty Rewards Program - think frequent flyers, where you can redeem product points for FREE product.


If you’re likely to purchase more than 3 essential oils over a year, you get the best deal when you become a member as you benefit from a massive 25% off retail price. You pay a one off joining fee of $35 to become a member, or this fee is waived if you're purchasing an Enrolment Kit. 

Check out the Australia Kits.  The 'Home Essentials Kit' is the most popular kit and comes with the 10 most popular oils, in full-size bottles, plus a diffuser - and saves you over $200 on the retail cost of these oils. There are no minimum monthly orders, or selling required. 

Or if you would rather purchase single oils then you can do that too!


  • Click this link

  • Click Join and Save

  • Choose your country and language

  • Click 'Local'

  • Choose Wholesale (NOT Preferred Member)

  • Enter your personal information, including your Australian Business Number. If you don't have an ABN, just leave it blank.

  • At *Enroller id*, enter my ID 4181406: (it should display my name, Louise Kelly)

  • Click verify

  • Set up a password

  • Click over to the next page

  • Select the kit you'd like to order

  • Enter your Credit Card details and process your order.


If you need any help, please reach out - I can always process your order for you. Also, if you are unsure what oils would suit, give me a shout and I will happily work with you to find the best solution.

Your oils will land on your doorstep within approx. 3-5 days, but the story doesn't end there - it's just the beginning! You get access to our Facebook group so you can keep learning, a welcome email full of useful links, my guidance as you need and on online mentoring session for you to get to know your oils better.

If you're not quite ready to get your oils right now, then book into one of my February classes OR email to book a 1 on 1, or online session. 

Here's to a 2018 full of brilliant decisions!


Lou x


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