kid yoga - tree pose

Kids Yoga

Empower your children and tweens with the tools of yoga and mindfulness!

A gift that will keep on giving throughout their life journey.


Do you wish you’d been taught yoga as a child? To help you navigate the ups and downs, the trials and tribulations and the teenage years?! I know I do! So here at the Surfside Yoga studio, we’re on a mission to make this happen for the next generation.

The intention of our kids yoga and mindfulness classes is to help your child build a healthy and resilient body, an open and compassionate heart, and an adapting, calm mind.

How do we do this? Firstly, we make it fun! Secondly, we keep it varied combining yoga poses, breathing exercises, mindful games, yoga adventures, and relaxation.

We create a nurturing environment so your child can learn and grow in a healthy, non-competitive and safe space.

Kids Yoga Classes

  • Age: 5-9 year olds

  • When: Tuesdays 4pm - 4.45pm

  • Location: Surfside Yoga Studio, 78 Bassett Street, Mona Vale

  • Investment: $180 / term

  • Enquire here

Kids tend to be more engaged and interactive when parents are not in the yoga studio, so we ask that you drop off your children and return later to pick them up. Information around parking is included in your booking confirmation email.

Ready to gift your children the tools of yoga?

Click the button below to book! Mats are provided, but for health reasons and to encourage your children to continue their practice at home, we do also encourage you to get your child their own mat. We stock a full range of kids yoga mats here

Tween Classes

If you, or someone you know, is interested in classes for Tweens, please contact us to register your interest.

PS. A big namaste to you! We’re so grateful to you incredible parents for gifting your children with these life-changing tools. If you see the value in yoga for kids, please share this class with friends and family who you think could benefit. Together we can change lives and the world!

“Yoga creates children who are bright lights in this world.” — Shakti Kalsa