What is a Sound Bath?

Maybe you’ve heard of Sound Baths, or you’ve experienced one on a yoga retreat or at a workshop? But how do they work and what are the benefits? To uncover the mystery behind this modality, we got the lowdown from our resident Sound Facilitator, Melissa Paddison.

What is a Sound Bath?

A Sound Bath is one of the most soothing and relaxing experiences that we can give ourselves. It is a beautiful form of meditation that helps to effortlessly move us into a relaxed state of being. A sound bath is an acoustic sound healing journey that allows us to instantly quieten the mind, calm the nervous system, immersing your body with vibrational healing. Imagine being held in crystalline waves of Angelic vibrations and frequencies  of love, peace, and healing. Wave after wave of harmonious  sounds wash over the body, allowing for deep relaxation, balance, and energetic alignment and transformation. 

How the Nervous System Responds

Within a few moments of a sound bath you can leave states of stress, overwhelm, anxiety, a busy mind - and activate your parasympathetic nervous system. This is when we enter into our ‘rest and digest’ state - where optimal healing is able to take place in the body. Sound is a simple and effective way to ground and anchor the body into meditation and rest. The sounds calm the mind and allow you to tune inwards connecting to peace, love, and deep inner awareness. 

A Brainwave

By simply being present and listening to the sounds of the bowls we are able to enter deep states of rest. Through sound we are able to entrain our brainwaves with crystalline sound waves that bring us into a Theta brainwave state. We experience this when we are sleeping in REM sleep and this is where the magic happens. We may feel like we are in a dream, like we are floating, we may see colours, or meet with our guides or Angels.

Sound Bath Benefits:

Benefits include: 

  • Reduces blood pressure

  • Reduces heart rate 

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Better sleep

  • Enter states of deep relaxation and rest

  • Improves happiness and well being

  • Reduces physical pain

  • Improves mental health 

  • Increases self-love and self-awareness

What instruments are played?

Some of the sound healing instruments  that you can expect are crystal alchemy singing bowls, chimes, and ocean drum. Melissa's crystal alchemy bowls are tuned to 528 hz the frequency of unconditional love, miracles, and DNA repair. They are made from 99.9% pure quartz crystal and are infused with different gemstones, earth elements, and precious metals. When played, the crystal alchemy bowls, transmute and amplify the healing properties of the infused gemstones and elements, creating a harmony of healing, and bringing you into the frequency of love. 

Science says…

Science has proven that everything in the Universe is sound and light energy, in constant vibration. Every bone, tissue, organ, atom, and cell in our body is vibrating and making sound. Together all of these parts of our body create our own vibrational frequency. When we are in a balanced and healthy state of being we are in harmony. When we are unbalanced, anxious, and unwell we alter our frequency into dis-ease or dis-harmony. 

 We can tune inwards and allow the sound vibrations and frequencies of crystal alchemy bowls and various sound instruments to gently wash over us, bringing us back into a state of balance and alignment. When played together in harmony the bowls help to ground us, move our energy, clearing our different energy centers, and allowing our energy to flow and move fluidly through our bodies. With sound healing we entrain with frequencies of the bowls and are brought back into our own harmonious vibrational alignment. 

Sound as Medicine

The medicine of sound therapy is an incredible balm for bringing us back into harmony and total body health and wellness. 

I like to think of each vibrational wave that washes over us as a wave of love.  Wave after wave of vibrational healing, allowing us to find stillness, deep calm, peace, and inner awareness. 

During a sound bath we relax, breathe, release and let go anything that no longer serves us, set intentions, and are guided with my voice on meditations or short visualisations to help us relax more deeply and tune inwards. 

Then the sounds of the bowls and healing instruments carry you away and you are guided to go on your own inner journey of deep relaxation and energetic healing. A time just for you, where space is made for the seeds of new intentions to be planted. By the end of the session you will be vibrating at a different frequency - feeling whole, aligned and in tune.

Thank you to our Sound Healing Facilitator, Melissa, for sharing her wisdom and knowledge. You can follow Melissa on Instagram here and check out her website here

Now you know all about Sound Healing, come along and experience it yourself! Mel’s Sunday Sound sessions take place fortnightly here at our Mona Vale studio! Book here

Melissa set up in the studio for our fortnightly Sound Healing class.


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